Terms & Conditions

Web Developer Guys is a free project which will be useful for both Web service providers and Clients. We would like to introduce these terms & conditions to keep the quality of our website.

For Web service providers

If you are one of Web service providers then you are free to join with us as a freelancer, agency or company. You need to be agreed with these terms & conditions before you make your page with us.

We don't support and kind of illegal and unethical services including :

Please don't sign-up if you don't provide any web service to clients. As an example We don't approve tutorial websites including web design tutorials because our visitors are clients and not developers.

We don't approve nude images and pornography in your logo and sex related keywords in your description. If we detect any of them, We will remove them or We will warn you or Your page will be deleted even without sending a notification.

For Clients

You don't need to sign-up here to search for Web design, web development, Web hosting, Search engine optimization, Digital marketing, Email services, Software/Apps development, Domain name registration and SSL certificates.

As a free website, We allow web service providers to make their pages on our website. We don't responsible for anything of your business.